We now accept online donations
After donating online with PayPal Giving Fund, PayPal will automatically send you a tax receipt by email for your tax deduction records.
where does my donation go?
Your donations, whether it be 10 dollars to 1000 dollars, will go towards the improvement of our company, through the purchase of supplies, equipment updates, training equipment and much more.
Periodically we mail out donation envelopes to people in our community for support. If you did not receive such envelopes, please let us know so that we can update our database. You may also send in donation in a regular envelope. Please send your donation in the form of a check or money order payable to JEHSB VAC and mail to:
JEHSB Volunteer Ambulance Corps
P.O. Box 640181
Bayside, NY 11364-0181
We are a not for profit 501(c)3 organization, and all donations to JEHSB VAC are tax deductible.
We also accept donations of equipment, such as wheel chairs, walkers, canes, etc.
Periodically we mail out donation envelopes to people in our community for support. If you did not receive such envelopes, please let us know so that we can update our database. You may also send in donation in a regular envelope. Please send your donation in the form of a check or money order payable to JEHSB VAC and mail to:
JEHSB Volunteer Ambulance Corps
P.O. Box 640181
Bayside, NY 11364-0181
We are a not for profit 501(c)3 organization, and all donations to JEHSB VAC are tax deductible.
We also accept donations of equipment, such as wheel chairs, walkers, canes, etc.